welcome message

dear visitor,

Let us welcome you, the visitor of Nádasdy Mansion on behalf of the National Heritage Protection and Development Nonprofit Ltd. (NÖF), as well as the National Palace and National Castle Programme.

In the framework of the National Palace and National Castle Programme values are preserved with lasting solutions. Not only do we consider the restoration but also the rebirth of historic buildings extremely important; we aim at rehabilitating these buildings not only physically but also mentally.

Every restored and reconstructed detail of the historicising, neo-Gothic, Tudor-style building, considered unique in Hungary, invites the visitor on a romantic time travel. With its period interiors, the interactive elements of the exhibition and the digital exhibition guide (Visual Guide), even the youngest may enjoy discovering the history of the mansion and its former inhabitants. Discover all the treasures of the listed building, recharge your batteries while walking through its carefully furnished elegant halls, discover the mansion’s imposing, renovated park or sit in the café of its reconstructed conservatory. We would like you to have as many unforgettable moments as possible in the old-new iconic site of Nádasdy Mansion in Nádasdladány.

Have a pleasant cultural time!

dr Zsolt Virág

Ministerial Commissioner responsible for the implementation of the National Palace and National Castle Programme – Prime Minister’s Office

Tamás Glázer

managing director
National Heritage Protection and Development Nonprofit Ltd. (NÖF)